
Never Say Never: 5 things I said I would NEVER do that have happened this semester

1. Participate in an organized debate. My Adolescent Psychology class had a series of group debates about hot topic issues, my group argued for comprehensive (as opposed to abstinence only) sexual education in schools.

2. Bleed a mouse--through it's eye. This one was for Immunology lab. It was a bit traumatizing, but we were assured the mouse didn't feel a thing. The fun part really came when we had to culture the cells from the spleen all week.

3. Have a personal meeting with the president of the college. I have gotten involved with the campus recycling group and we are trying to get the system organized. It is still a work in progress, but the initial meeting went well.

4. Bring home dirty laundry. Exam week got the best of me and I didn't have time to get to it. Sorry, mom.

5. Watch the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Live.

What can I say, I couldn't sleep.

As I write this, the coverage is streaming on my laptop. It is 4:00 AM here. History in the making, I suppose. People are wearing Burger King crowns as they line the streets of London. They have vacuumed the cobblestone streets. Dashing young men and elegant ladies in splendid looking hats are filling up the aisles of Westminster Abbey. The cameras zoom in on the doors of Buckingham Palace and the Goring Hotel. Rolls-Royce's, Bentley's, pomp and circumstance; all the hype, "What will her dress look like?," "Oh dear, the Prime Minister's wife isn't wearing a hat."

It is 10:15AM in London; the Prince has departed from Clarence House. The bells are ringing, the crowd is roaring.

The brothers enter the Abbey; it is a much different atmosphere than the one they left in 1997.

Minibuses start to leave the palace. Such a family affair. Is this the year of the commoners?

10:37AM- Here come the "lesser royals...they shine up nicely."
10:42AM- What color will the Queen's hat be?--Yellow, it is! No beige for her!

The bridesmaids are milling about, the high clergy are getting prepared. Trumpets sound.

Is there a tiara? Hair up or down? Ivory and lace. Arms covered, of course. Myrtle in the bouquet. Don't crumple the train.

10:56AM- The veil covers her trademark brown hair as it drapes her shoulders. She is glowing as she waves the royal wave.

11:03AM- The dress is revealed: Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. A pause.
Prince William smiles as Kate starts down the aisle to meet her groom.
Her father's steps accompany her for the 4 minute walk. What a little girl's dream.

11:11AM- Dearly beloved...

Proclaimed husband and wife by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
A beautiful ceremony...I have butterflies in my stomach.

11:54AM-They are going to sign the registry as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Well, the sun has risen on the last day of my junior year at PC. I'll be headed home shortly.


Dead Week

There comes a time each semester when all the energy spent paying attention in class, all the getting up early to study, and all that going to bed late after talking with friends begins to take its toll. One's body starts to fight back. First comes the sneezing, then falling down stairs, having weird food cravings, drooling in public, people sleeping just about anywhere. You name it, it can happen..

At PC, we call it dead week--and that's not because there's nothing going on, it's because we aren't quite sure we will make it out alive.

Next week, we will have exams. We are all stressed out. We are all complaining. We are all frustrated. There is simply too much work to be done.

There are these little moments in between everything, however, that make it all ok.

It never fails that you run into an old friend from weeks gone by and spend 10 minutes talking on the side-walk, just catching up on life. You spend a lot of time studying in random places and discover the secrets hidden within the walls (or rooftops) of campus. You linger at meals just a little bit longer--swapping stories, solving the problems of the world. Then, there are the outfits. No matter what you are wearing--and chances are it is something you wouldn't be caught dead in at any other time in your life--there is always somebody wearing something even more ridiculous. I am a fan of the whole "slip some clothes on over your pajamas and run to the library" thing.

We wonder out-loud why we choose to put ourselves through this; we mourn loss of sleep.

There are moments when we sit down for tests and our minds go blank. There are lots of typo's in our papers, lots of late night visits to Sonic, and plenty of caffeine buzzes going around.

This is my shout out to all the college kids wrapping up the semester. You will get through it! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other--and try not to fall down any stairs.

Here is a picture of my desk from this weekend, (I think I wrote a total of 27 pages):
Arts and crafts for Immunology students (see the resemblance):
IgG made of Easter eggs