
GDH-isms (a work in progress)

For those of you not familiar with GDH...it stands for Greenville Dining Hall. It's really not that bad, we just like to analyze it sometimes...Here are some of our favorite quotes. (the list will just keep growing).

- "There's no taste. [like home]" -on the napkin dipensers
- "It tastes better than it looks."
-"Is this FDA approved?":

- "You have to use a knife, but it's really not that bad."
- "How do you stuff a pork-chop with cornbread?"
- "What does it taste like?"..."Vanilla with a hint of stale."...."Oh."
- A five carbon ring (made of rice):

-"That line should be called...'International-Nothing but Asian'"
-"Cinnamon...on squash? Really?"
-"Cheerios go with everything."
-"Y'all, this had a hair in it."

GDH started giving us plums, some of which are very good:

Eowyn got THE black tray!

GDH does a luau. 9/25/2010

This was the other option (9/25/2010):


GDH does paper products because the dishwasher broke one day (12/1/2010):

GDH does Christmas (12/2010):

Snowed in (1/10/11):
Ship-shape (3/10/11): 
In this photo: Captain Earl Grey and his drunken conjoined twin
The naked corn-dog stick, turned tea stirrer, turned plank, turned mast
The armless pirate, saved by the nose of a whale
An inside look at the tray return, from above. (4/27/11):


on evolution...

[T]he human species is by no means the pinnacle of evolution. Evolution has no pinnacle and there is no such thing as evolutionary progress. Natural selection is simply the process by which life-forms change to suit the myriad opportunities afforded by the physical environment and by other life-forms.
-Matt Ridley, author of Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
      I won't claim to have a true interest/background in the whole creation vs. evolution debate, but I will admit it gets my wheels turning sometimes. A project in my senior Biology II class in high school was a learning experience aimed at examining the various points of both sides of the debate. Since my presentation portion was focused on DNA as God's universal code for life and much of the evidence I found was in support of the Intelligent Design Theory, I did not further my research into the spiritual aspects of the debate.

      A recent conversation with my parents sparked my interest again, and then a few days ago, I ran across this quote [see above]. I am by no means a scholar on the matter, but I believe there is something to be said for the relationship of the spiritual side of the debate to bring evidence against evolution.

       I believe that humanity's purpose on earth is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. I also believe that I was created in the image of God, separate and distinguished from other animals. I do admit the similarities in certain aspects of development and composition of other life forms, which coincide with some human characteristics, but I believe this was a specific design by God to show the order of the universe and His control over it. I am not saying that natural selection or micro-evolution does not exist, at least in some form, I am just saying that, when you get down to the basics of Evolutionary Theory, there is no goal other than survival. There is no "stopping point" in evolution, so to speak. There is no room for "purpose" or, perhaps more importantly, for a relationship with God.

        I don't have much more to say while on this soap-box. My knowledge sort of dries up here. The quote just caught my attention.


school days...

room-mate in the futon/tv room

Shuckin' and Shaggin'


all done!

The finished product...bird's eye view:

breakfast...it was so pretty, i just had to take a picture


my latest project...

My family decided to dig out an old farm table from my grandparents' shed and I decided to refinish it so we can put it in our dining room.

Some of the legs need some work (hopefully the bottoms can be replaced later)
(getting ready to tackle the sanding)
So far, I have had to buy a belt sander (my grandpa's broke) and have successfully sanded/stained/and applied one coat of polyurethane. There will be more pictures of the finished product to come!

I hope it turns out well!


Well, my job is winding down...this Saturday should be my last day. Seasonal at best, I guess. I made in killing in commission though, thanks to the tax-free weekend. Can't complain about that.

I guess now it is back to re-arranging the bedroom and trying to squeeze in all my furniture.

A few things I learned from this weekend filled with shoes and impatient customers:

1. America runs on cigarettes and Mountain Dew. Literally. I thought this before (after working in a label-packaging factory), but I truly believe it now. These people don't believe in lunch breaks. All they focus on is who is bringing them a drink and when they can step out for a smoke.

2. Wearing dress shoes on a concrete floor for any amount of time over 3 hrs hurts your feet horribly.

3. Because of this pain, one must take significant amounts of ibuprofen for the first day or so just to be able to sleep.

4. Black people will try on every shoe in the store, not put them back in their spots, and then buy one pair on clearance.

5. White people will ask you to come help them find their size. Even if all the boxes are clearly labeled. It is like they can't read or something. It amazes me.

6. Cleaning dozens of mirrors is fun. They don't argue.

7. Smiling always helps.

8. Don't look at the clock.

9. Only right shoes are put on display (except Timberlands) and they must all face the same direction.

10. Corporate holds a significant amount of mental power over their stores. That inspection was scary...and I didn't even have much to lose.

11. As soon as you put all the socks on the rack, somebody will want the pair at the very back.

12. Cutting up with your co-workers is essential.

13. Peanut butter and jelly goes rather well with Doritos.


Thinking on my feet...

so, i got a job (a real one—not cutting grass). at a shoe store. in the podunk rock hill mall.
i literally walked up on it a few days ago. mom and i were in line to check out and i heard the manager telling somebody in front of us she just needed somebody to work for the next few weeks (to get them through the tax-free weekend and back to school). i told her i was willing to work, she gave me an application, and then hired me on the spot. i reported for duty yesterday and worked a few hours to learn the ropes. i worked a full 10 hours today and will do the same tomorrow. after sunday, i don’t know what they will need me to do, but i am fine either way (working or not working).
it has been fine so far…lots of running around and sorting shoes. we have to wear dress shoes, which totally sucks…my feet are killing me. who woulda thunk? such foot troubles…in a shoe store, no less.
it’s all good. it keeps me super busy for now and i get some money.