
"Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime"

Coming to you live from my new laptop...I cannot even describe my excitement over the cheese wantons and green curry chicken we are getting ready to eat for dinner...but back to my blog-post! I have been enjoying this Christmas break and have been eating lots of yummy food.

This year is the first Christmas in my life that I have not woken up to the anticipation of a giant Christmas breakfast and all my grandparents sitting in the living room ready to watch us open presents. My grandpa is bed-ridden now due to his advancing Alzheimer's, so instead of our normal Christmas morning tradition, we decided to travel around to both sets of grandparents' houses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It turned out to be a pretty good plan and we ended up opening presents three separate times, which helped to spread out Christmas a bit. There was no lack of food, either. We did plenty of baking (peanut butter blossoms, snickerdoodles, chocolate and peppermint-covered pretzels, and haystacks to name a few) and we are still enjoying our goodies. We also made gingerbread houses with our GBH crew and with my dad's parents.

The changes in Christmas traditions this year remind me that I am coming up on a year of many changes as I graduate from college and begin who knows what. Clinging to Jeremiah 29:11 for that one and just smiling and saying, "We'll see..." when I am asked the infamous question about what I am going to be doing after college.

All in all, it was a wonderful Christmas of food, fun, and family and I am looking forward to the new year!

Now, to go eat dinner!

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